Word For the Month

June 2023

God’s presence doesn’t come and go. It’s with us – always – so we can pray on the run and know that he hears. But it’s in stilling anxious thoughts, and in turn fretful emotions, which may sometimes be helped by literally stilling our physical motion, that we silence the ‘noise’ of deadlines, expectations, problems, fear …
And it’s in the stillness of mind, heart, soul – and where needed, body – that we refocus on and recalibrate to God’s wisdom, enabling, guidance, provision… that reassures and infuses peace.
Circumstances may not change – but knowing God with us IN the circumstances makes all the difference.

Do you need to make time to ‘be still’ this month?
How might you take moments in the day to ‘still’ your thoughts and ‘know’ him with you, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing?

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May 2023

I wasn’t expecting to post my ‘Word for the Month’ on Social Media this month. I’d thought I’d be using a new means of communication. But that’s taking far longer to set up than I’d anticipated; partly because it’s not included in my scheduled work, and partly, because learning something new about technology, isn’t one of my gifts!
So, in short. It’s been an uphill struggle.

I’m getting there, slowly, so perhaps this will be sent out in its new format next month. If it doesn’t, I’ve learned to be kind to myself. To accept my various limitations and to go at my own pace.
But I refuse to give up.
I’ve been advised it’s important to do this “new thing”, but I do actually believe it will be a “good” thing too 🙂

In context, the scripture teaches us to ‘throw off’ anything that holds us back from persevering in our life of faith (v. 1-b); that may be an ungodly habit or character trait, apathy, or being too quick to give up on what we’re called, impassioned or gifted to be and do.
So, whatever you’re facing this month, whether learning how to fulfil a new task, role or job, whether you’re looking to drop a bad habit, begin a new one, or whatever it may be – Don’t give up.
If you know that you know it’s the right thing to do – and the right thing for you : Persevere.

Life isn’t a sprint, as a pastor friend wisely advises us; it’s a marathon.
So whatever you’re feeling up against, keep going, one step, one day at a time.

And if I can pray for you in that, do let me know….

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April 2023

This month as we celebrate Easter, I invite you to dwell with these verses, where resurrected Jesus calls out to his disciples after they’ve fished all night and caught nothing.
Is He calling out to you in a place where you’ve been working, trying, sweating(!) without any reward, fruit, success etc for your effort?
Is He calling out to you in a place where you’ve sat back from a task, you’ve given up, or you feel too inadequate and incapable to even begin?
There’s a familiar quote attributed to Henry Ford: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” If you find yourself in some kind of ‘rut’, prayerfully reflect on these verses and review if it’s time to ‘throw your net out on the other side of the boat’; to do something new or differently.

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March 2023

I find it helpful when I pray for an individual, or national crisis, to ask God to help me ‘put myself in their shoes’ – to feel, see and seek even a glimpse of understanding of what it’s like to face their situation. To put myself in the shoes of the person I know, or an individual representing thousands caught up in tragedy.

As we think of friends or family this month, as we hold crises in our hearts that disappear so quickly from the headlines of our newsfeed – wars, conflicts, earthquakes, famine… how long that list could be – we can ask God to help us pray as we ‘put our feet in their shoes’.
It’s not always easy, but it softens the heart to their predicament and to God’s leading; it helps us ‘see’ & feel the problems or devastation of life as they do; the fear, horror, the grief of lost loved ones, homes, livelihoods…and hope.

And let’s keep offering practical help in any way we can.

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February 2023

January plunged me into unexpected grief on the sudden passing of my dad.
Some weeks later, as life moves on and February dawns with its glimpse of lighter days & early spring growth, I am mindful of the wisdom of these words.

Any form of loss, no matter how small or great, no matter its shape or form, needs time to be processed. Time – that precious gift that passes us by with stealth and discretion. There are moments, however, when we need to ‘press pause’ and take stock of what it holds, what it offers, or what it may teach us.

What nature of loss do you carry in your body, heart, mind or soul?
Be still – and know God. With you. In the heartache and fallout.
Be honest with Him about your pain, disappointment, bewilderment, shock, fear, regret … &/or whatever else you feel.
Allow yourself time to be kind to yourself as you would be to someone else. Ignore the pressure to be and do your usual things; some you may have to keep doing, but are there others you could lay to one side for a time? For me, it was social media, and that was good, though possibly minor to what you may sense you need to rest from.
Give time to open your heart and know God’s comfort, peace and words of reassurance.
And in time, His good & perfect time, you will smile again, not just with your lips, but from your eyes … from your heart.

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January 2022

New Year’s Resolutions have gained an increasingly bad press for failing fairly early into the year. But there’s still a place to ‘resolve’ not to do something, to do something, or to … you fill in the blank. It’s how we grow instead of stagnate, flourish rather than flounder, press forward rather than drift.

To start, we can resolve, as Daniel did, to uphold God’s values that we’re given in scripture, resolve to walk in step with Him, resolve to let His love shape our sense of wellbeing, our priorities, relationships & responses. In fact, I guess that’s the best resolution we can make for the coming year.
I also find it helpful to focus on habits rather than goals; habits you can adopt (or break) one day at a time, rather than feel overwhelmed by year-long expectations. And the helpful thing about that is that good habits subtly yet quite possibly, feed into achieving goals.

Of course, we’ll slip up, but if we accept that we’ll need to regularly renew our resolve rather than making it a one-off decision on January 1st, then each renewal picks us up and encourages us to persevere.

Anyone joining me…?

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December 2022

No Room
These words always stand out to me; there was no room for Jesus.
Am I making room for Him in my life?
Am I making room for Him to fill all that I know as ‘Christmas’ with His life?
If my life and my ‘Christmas’ are too full to make room for Him, what do I need to turn out?

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November 2022

John’s words recorded here, remind us that we can never settle for being content with too much, while others are still struggling with too little.
I appreciate we’re all feeling the pinch of rapidly rising living costs, but some of us will still have much more than we need, while others have too little.
Donating to charity and food banks are helpful ways to channel our excess to those without, but it also challenges us to pause and consider what we’re intending to buy, before we buy it.
Do we really need it? And if not, can we share the money saved to support specific needs elsewhere?

If you’re in a position to share, what one thing might you feel led to do in response to these words this month,
or each week of this month,
or even each day of this month?

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October 2022

‘…with God…’
If you’re living God’s way & pursuing His purposes, then like David, you can be confident of God’s help to break through or overcome.
Do the odds feel stacked against you? ‘With God…’
Are you facing what seems like an impentrable ‘barricade’ of obstacles? ‘With God…’
Is your nose up against the rough ‘wall’ of a deadline, exam, problem or pain? ‘With God…’

Open your heart to His wisdom, guidance, sustaining strength, peace, enabling, creativity… & so much more – & know that ‘with God’ you can break through or overcome whatever threatens to defeat you.

October 2022 Read More »

September 2022


It happens to us all.
Change can affect our home, health, relationships, income, church, income, work, roles, responsibilities….

Change can be exciting, energising, stretching, fulfilling…
But change can also be disappointing, painful, terrifying…

Whatever ‘change’ in life you may be facing or dealing with, know there is guidance, reassurance, wisdom, perspective, grace, strength… and so much more, as you reach out and receive from God’s presence with you:
God, who – does – not – change.

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