Inviting God’s Word to make a home in our lives,
one verse at a time, Authentic Media Ltd.
Dwell is a 365-day devotional that enables you to reflect on a few verses of Scripture each week, go deeper into the Bible and live out God’s truth in your life.
Available to pre-order from your Christian retailer, here*, or from wherever else you purchase books.
Do you feel too busy to spend quality time with God?
Do you long to know God better?
Do you want to revitalise your Bible reading?
Dwell invites you to slow down and reflect on one short Bible passage over the course of a week in a way that can be fitted into even the busiest schedule.
Through guided questions or exercises each day that draw on different aspects of the Bible verses, Anne Le Tissier helps you to understand, participate in and be shaped by what you have read. Dwelling in Scripture in this way enables God’s words to make a home in your heart long after the week has passed.
Let God’s Word dwell in you as you grow closer to him, one verse at a time.
Dwell helps you:
- Spend quality time in God’s presence, no matter how busy you are
- Immerse yourself in the Bible with guided reflections
- Discover the Bible passage in a deeper way as you reflect on different aspects over the course of your week
- Remember God’s Word without having to learn it by rote
- Enrich your quiet times and refresh your Bible reading experience
- Continue thinking about Scripture and lessons learnt throughout your day
Dwell is a beautifully presented hardback book to treasure and includes a ribbon marker to keep your place throughout the year. It also makes a thoughtful gift to encourage and bless friends and family.
*Disclosure: If you buy books linked to this site, I may earn a commission from Bookshop.org, whose fees support independent bookshops.
The Mirror That Speaks Back, BRF, 2018
Available from the publisher here. Alternatively support your local Christian Bookshop… Also available from abebooks..co.uk or from wherever else you purchase books.

The Mirror That Speaks Back considers the many self-image issues bombarding young (and not so young!) Christian women.
Within its pages, I share some of my own story alongside the experience, problems, perspectives and views of younger women, interwoven with teaching, suggestions for response, and relevant practical guidelines to overcome pressures undermining self-esteem, self-worth and body-image.
Restoring the Balance, CWR, 2019
Try your local Christian Bookshop… Alternatively, available from abebooks.co.uk, eden.co.uk or from wherever else you purchase books.
Restoring the Balance between your spiritual life in Christ and your physical life in this world.

Have you ever felt like the father desperate for Jesus to heal his son, and believing He could, yet was so full of doubts he could only say – or pray – ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief’ (Mark 9:24)?
You believe in the power of prayer or the importance of reading your bible and of letting it read you, you believe God’s love and purpose gives you worth and meaning for life, that He’s calling you to trust Him, share your testimony, or just take time out to rest. BUT….
But you’re disillusioned by unanswered prayer, far too busy to read, you have kids clamoring for your attention all day or demanding bosses and deadlines at work, your social media feed says you’re not good enough, you’ve been battered by rejection, or you simply woke up one morning to find yourself slumped in a barren wasteland; a wilderness of regret, discouragement or fear, where intimacy with God is a long lost dream, or where heavenly realms and spiritual riches seem all too irrelevant to the reality of ‘today’?
Let me walk with you on a journey of restoring the balance between your physical life in this world and your spiritual life in Christ; to release you to fulfill the best of your God-given potential, while allowing God to transform you into a gateway of heaven to all you meet and engage with. In short, let me encourage you that it is still possible to live a Spirit-filled life of overflowing abundance, no matter your season of life.
The BRF Book of 365 Bible Reflections,
BRF, 2021
Available from the publisher here. Alternatively support your local Christian Bookshop… Also available from abebooks.co.uk or from wherever else you purchase books.

It was a privilege to be asked to contribute to this wonderful devotional book.
Bringing together a fantastically wide-ranging writing team of authors, supporters and well-wishers from all areas of BRF’s work, this resource is designed to help us go deeper into the story of the Bible and reflect on how we can share it in our everyday lives. Including sections which lead us through the Bible narrative as well as thematic and seasonal sections, it is the perfect daily companion to resource your spiritual journey.
Jesus, Name Above all Names, BRF, 2012
Try your local Christian Bookshop… Alternatively, available from abebooks.co.uk or from wherever else you purchase books.

Jesus, Name Above All Names offers straightforward, devotionally based bible study material on 32 names and titles ascribed to Jesus in scripture.
From ‘Advocate’ to ‘Word of God’, the studies consider what we can learn about who Jesus is and what he has done for us from these different names and titles. The material includes extended reflection on the theme, questions for response, prayers and suggestions for further Bible reading.
Prepared from articles originally published by Woman Alive magazine, Jesus: Name above all Names is ideal for group use or individual Quiet Day or retreat reading.
Prepared for Spiritual Battle, CWR, 2008
Try your local Christian Bookshop… Alternatively, available from abebooks.co.uk or from wherever else you purchase books.

Prepared for Spiritual Battle brings us face to face with the truth of the continual struggle between God’s righteousness and the forces of evil at work in our world.
With helpful analogies, practical application and illustrations from the lives of warriors like Joshua, David, Gideon and Jesus, it prepares us to enter the spiritual battle with confidence. We learn to recognise attacks of the enemy, and our faith is strengthened and emboldened as we’re reminded that Christ in us (and our authority in Him) is greater than our foe.
Immanuel, God With Us ~ Guide for Advent, CWR, 2006
Try your local Christian Bookshop… Alternatively, available from abebooks.co.uk or Amazon

Immanuel, God With Us, invites God into the very heart of the Advent season of preparation.
Just as God came to be with us in human form, so He comes to us today through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He longs to have an impact on our lives and help us prepare others to meet Him too. Here we realise that the Advent message is not just that Jesus came, but that He comes and is coming again.
The material, which covers the whole of the month of December, can be used by individuals as a spiritual journey of preparation for Christmas, or as five sessions in an existing house group or special Advent group.
The Heart of The Temple, CWR, 2006
Try your local Christian Bookshop… Alternatively, available from abebooks.co.uk or Amazon

This unique devotional handbook will revolutionise your understanding of the temple and the Old Testament history and will provide principles, challenges and inspiration to encourage you to a life of purer consecration, devotion to God and ministry as He intended.
Women of the Word, BRF 2005
Unavailable. Ask your local Christian Bookshop if they have any copies

A collection of Bible studies first published in Woman Alive magazine, written by a number of women writers. Each study focuses on one of the many female characters in both the Old and New Testaments, unpacking the original stories and showing how these women can speak into our lives today.